Investing in US wireless communication infrastructure


Argo Venture ́s capital markets subsidiary Argo Capital Solutions structured and raised multiple equity with a total volume of € 63 m for a series of INFRATRUST funds.

Between 2007 and 2010, Stefan Beiten and Nikolaus Weil, who are also representing the institutional investors with a seat on the board of Berlin Atlantic Group, initiated a number of funds with varying equity structures including private placements and public funds.

Back then, the digital cellular technology was in its third generation (3G) and it was only a matter of time until a fourth generation wireless system would be introduced. Argo Capital’s visionary team decided to capitalize on their first- hand insight into the rapidly evolving American investment scene: they created investment vehicles that allowed German investors to profit from the uptick in the construction of wireless communication towers and the increased development of sites in collaboration with American public sector authorities. In the following years, despite the harrowing global financial crisis heavily impacting all industry sectors, InfraTrust’s cell tower portfolio grew steadily. Subsequently, in 2016 two of its funds were successfully liquidated with distributions reaching record levels of 135 %.

Beiten and Weil, both lawyers and habitual entrepreneurs, excel at developing novel financial strategies and products. They are key figures at Argo Venture Capital and its various subsidiaries and associated companies such as client and portfolio company Berlin Atlantic Group as well as independent film production outfit Greenlight Media.

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